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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Sappy Posting Alert!!! 

*Disclaimer: I'm a bit emotional today so I'll probably gush more than normal. Suck up and deal with it.

I've often posted about this wonderful world of Blogs. I've mentioned how much I admire many of those that I've "met" in the past year plus some. Well today, I find myself in awe.

I've got a pretty small circle of readers - and I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for taking the time to stop by, see what's on my mind and leave a smile or word of encouragement.

Today I'm working at home (due to a pretty bad headache) and have had the time to really go out and do some reading. You all are a very impressive group.

Matt at Blackfive has written a moving remembrance of his fallen comrades. My admiration of this man grows daily.

BloodSpite, at Techography, has a fantastic piece with great insight into how it feels on the ground.

These are only a couple of examples that I've run across today. It's amazing how incredibly fertile this land-o-blog is.

The esteem that I hold for those involved in our military is tangible. The sacrifices that have been made, are being made daily, moves me more than I can say. This admiration extends to those that are supporting our troops. Information is a powerful weapon. Those that wield it for good deserve our respect. These are truly modern day heros.

Just what am I getting at? It comes down to a simple Thank You. Thank you all for what you've done, for what you are doing to make this country strong and free. Thank you for sharing your experiences and ideals with those of us who would never have the opportunity to understand. Not only do you do a great service for this land of ours, you make us a better people.


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